(Phoenix, Ariz. - May 4, 2006) Attorney General Terry Goddard today announced a settlement of a
discrimination lawsuit with Saban Rent-A-Car LLC and A-aable Rental Ltd. resolving allegations that
the rental car company repeatedly hung up on a deaf caller who was trying to rent a car using a
telecommunication device (TTY) and operator service.
The settlement requires the defendants to:
Pay Mr. Busch $10,000 in compensatory damages;
Pay the Attorney General's Civil Rights Division $3,000 to monitor compliance with this settlement for two years and $2,000 for costs. The monitoring will include periodic calls from the Arizona Relay Service;
Adopt an anti-discrimination policy;
Use Arizona Relay Service for accepting and making telephone calls to customers or potential
customers who are deaf or hard of hearing; and
Receive training on disability discrimination.