This is Part 2 in a 3 part series being blogged by Terry Goddard; Arizona's Attorney General.
Terry, if you don't know, was long-time Phoenix mayor when Democrats couldn't get elected to dog catcher. He is an unabashed, fighting Democrat who took down the famous "Phoenix 40" by bringing a district system to the Phoenix city council which elected 3 Latinos and 1 African-American that year.
He became Arizona's HUD Director in the Clinton years and then got elected to Attorney General in 2002. Rumors are that he will succeed Governor Janet Napolitano in 2010.
An Oklahoma law that went into effect in April 2004, since followed by at least 37 other states, restricted the sale of cold tablets containing pseudoephedrine, which is used to make methamphetamine.The report released by DEA's El Paso Intelligence Center shows drug lab numbers in Oklahoma fell from 1,058 in 2003 to 667 in 2004 and to 217 in 2005...